Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Life's Challenges

Well it sure is cold. I hate to sound like a broken record but tonight I heard that 2/3 of the USA is under a 'cold weather' advisory. Predicted to get below minus 15 between today and tomorrow, here in my neck of the woods. Talk about a challenge on a farm. It means buttoning up barns and making sure all animals have extra hay to generate more heat in their bodies and well, hope.

When one is diagnosed with cancer, after denial, there is often a pledge to live in the moment, at present. For the future is, at best, on hiatus of the mind. This is what I pledge, now, to live in the moment, and breathe. For it is all I have. THIS moment. To breathe and relinquish the past and not focus on the future. For what is the future? A fantasy, an ego-based desire, wishes, dreams, hopes, and wills of this or that-to happen. Well now I must pledge to just be...........

1 comment: said...

Willow, this is a wonderful observation about the importance of living in the present. We only exist in the Now. Yesterday in but a memory and the future has yet to arrive. You are, and have always have been, very wise. I was lucky to have known you back in NY.